
Une blogueuse révèle les 10 secrets d'une belle photo instagram !

6 janvier 2018 à 14h47


L'influenceuse Saggysara a décidé de nous donner un petit cours afin de manier instagram à la perfection.

Dans une série de révélation, Sara, une blogueuse/influenceuse a en effet décidé de montrer l'envers du décors. Ainsi, c'est via 10 posts que la jeune femme nous explique comment prendre une parfaite photo instagram. Attention, cela risque de vite vous décevoir... Et oui, le monde d'Instagram s'avère en fait être un vrai fake.

1 - Savoir prendre la pose insta

Booty pop �x��xR� I was scrolling through my old photos and came across these photos where I was trying to take one of those sandy bum pics �xܬ I posted the right one back in January, but the left is the reality behind that photo �ܺ️ I still sometimes get a slight pang of sadness and jealousy when I see all the big beautiful bums on instagram and wish I could magically have what they have. Because sometimes I feel like all my booty gains are gone when I take photos where it looks smaller, but then I remember that I shouldn't compare my body to theirs. I have a great booty and so do they! It's all about posing/angles and nobody looks like that all the time. There's nothing wrong with posting a good photo of your booty, you should post it if you feel like it! Just remember that when you're scrolling through social media and see all the posed bums that you too have a great bum and that nobody looks like that 24/7 �ܺ️ It seems like big butts are the thing that so many people want currently. But remember that you don't need a big booty to be beautiful. All butts are good butts �ܺ️ All of our bodies are different and you don't need a specific body type to fit into what society defines as beautiful!! It's stressful and so messed up that body parts and types are going in and out of style- before it was being really thin, now it's having a big booty. That shouldn't be a thing. It causes so much stress and self hate to people who do not have these things. I know it's hard but instead of trying to obtain these things, love how you look now. Not how you'll look if you loose X amount of weight or get a bigger booty. Because trust me when you get to those things you'll just want something more. Be comfortable in your own skin no matter what angle, posed or unposed, and you'll radiate beauty! �xRÈܬ️ ------------------------------------------ . . . #bopowarrior #bootypop #allbodiesaregoodbodies #bootyfordays #bootybuilding #instagramvsreallife #beforeafter #selfconfidence #youareyou #dontchange #acceptyourself #bodypositive #lawofattraction #everyoneisbeautiful #selflove #bepresent #findyourself #dontcare #cellulite #effyourbeautystandards

Une publication partagée par Sara Puhto (@saggysara) le

2 - Faire attention à la taille de ses vêtements

Clothing size �x�xR� I noticed that I have so many different sized clothing and we give clothing size so much importance lately and it's weird. Clothing sizes have the ability to make us feel bad about ourselves when we've gone up a size and feel good when we've gone down a size. Why is this a thing �xÈ�xÈ‍'�️ before I used to always wear a European (EU/EUR) size 34 and once I started putting on weight and started strength training I've gone up to a EU pants size 38. I remember the first time I had to buy a size 38, I felt so upset. I let that size define me and thought that going up a size made me less attractive �xÈ�xÈ‍'�️ But I've realised that it actually doesn't matter at all. I shouldn't let these things upset me and I should wear clothing that fits me and makes me feel comfortable. There's no point squeezing and not being able to breathe in a smaller size just to say I wear that size. I've noticed that different materials on clothing will fit differently regardless of size, as you can see in this picture. Don't let clothing sizes dictate how you feel because they do not define you in any type of way!!! We all have different body shapes, so wear whatever you want that makes you feel comfortable and happy! Ignore all the things in media that say drop X amount of dress sizes in X amount of weeks, because they're silly. Just because someone wears a smaller size than you doesn't make them a better person or a more beautiful person. Clothing size doesn't define you. You are beautiful no matter what size you wear! �xRÈܬ️ ------------------------------------------ . . . #sizes #wearwhatyoulike #wearwhatyoulove #allbodiesaregoodbodies #bodypositive #selfworth #youareworthy #youareenough #youarebeautiful #youarenotalone #bodylove #bodylove4all #allbodiesarebeautiful #bodyacceptance #effyourbeautystandards #clothingsize #effyourbodystandards #nobodyshame #selflove #loveyourbody #gratitude #lawofattraction #loa #selfawareness #personalgrowth

Une publication partagée par Sara Puhto (@saggysara) le

3 - Se mettre debout (si on est en maillot de bain)

Bikini body �x"�xR� I'm sure we've all had that feeling where you're feeling cute at the beach but then you sit down and all of a sudden feel insecure and don't know how to sit without your tummy feeling oddly too exposed. The other day I went to the beach and would have slight moments where I felt like people were looking at my tummy and these feelings of insecurity where I wanted to hide my tummy because "it didn't look good" sitting down. But I realised that I was being silly and ruining my time at the beach and not enjoying it fully just because of this small silly thing. You really shouldn't feel that way! Everyone looks like this when they sit down! Nobody is judging you and even if someone was then that's a reflection of their inner insecurities, not yours. You are not fat. We all have fat, especially on our tummies and it's completely normal. And that fat does not make you worth any less as a person! Nobody has abs or a flat tummy 24/7 when they sit down. Don't let this idea ruin your time because it's completely normal! If you want to wear a bikini, then wear it cause life's too short not to wear what you want!! You look amazing so wear it with confidence and you'll radiate beauty! �xRÈܬ️ ------------------------------------------ . . . #bikinibody #bodypositive #lawofattraction #beachtime #insecurities #bodyposi #fitnessmotivation #positiveenergy #manifest #bodyfat #allbodiesaregoodbodies #bodyacceptance #selflove #bopowarrior #allbodiesarebeautiful #fitnessjourney #weightlossjourney #bopo #vegansofig #veganfitness #bbg #positivethinking #positivelife #positivemind #loveyourself #youareenough #youmatter

Une publication partagée par Sara Puhto (@saggysara) le

4 - Trouver l'angle parfait

Instagram vs real life �xÈxÈ�xR� If I saw the photo on the left a year ago I would've instantly thought so negatively about my body, that all my hard work from working out was non existent, that if someone looked at me they would've never thought I've been working out for 2 years and think I wasn't trying hard enough. But the thing is is that all bodies look different. Nobody's booty looks round and peachy from all angles. Nobody's body looks the same from all angles. Don't eat less or miss out on your favorite meals/drinks or over exercise to "look good for a holiday" or to "look good in bikini photos" because there will always be angles that are "unflattering" that might make you feel bad when you see them. Instead workout and eat healthy because it makes you feel good, not as a punishment. Start loving and accepting your body at all angles with all your "flaws", instead of trying to fit into societies image of 'beauty' because that image isn't inclusive of all individuals, which is so messed up. Don't hate yourself just because of bad photos, they do not define you as a person. You look the best when you're living life to the fullest and happiest. There's no point in missing out on things and stressing yourself out so much. Life isn't meant to be a competition on who can look the best and we should normalize not having to "look perfect" all the time because it's a ridiculous concept. You are perfect the way you are �xRÈܬ️ ------------------------------------------ . . . #instagramvsreallife #beforeandafter #lawofattraction #bodypositive #bekindtoyourself #lifeisgreat #dowhatyoulove #veganbooty #youareenough #progressnotperfection #bodyimage #vegansofig #girlswhoworkout #selflove #youarebeautiful #veganfitness #loa #fitnessjourney #bopo #bodyacceptance #bodyconfidence #effyourbeautystandards #bepresent #justbe #moderation #balanceddiet #staypositive #thinkpositive

Une publication partagée par Sara Puhto (@saggysara) le

5 - Savoir manier Photoshop

Photoshop vs reality �xR� I wanted to post this because the other day I saw an instagram post by a celebrity who had clearly photoshopped their body to make it look more curvy (the tiles behind them were curved). I'm not gonna name anyone because I don't want anyone to come at me, but I see tons of people do this. I know people always talk about this and I know there's nothing I can do to change it. All I want is for people to know not to ever feel bad about their body when looking at someone else. I used to feel this way and always wanted a more curvy waist like you see all over social media now a days. But it's silly to want that. It takes 30 seconds for me to photoshop this image on the right on a free app, but it can take someone a lifetime hating their body and wishing they had what all these photoshopped bodies look like. Please don't wish you had someone else's body. Love the body YOU have because there's nothing wrong with it. There's no point in wasting time wanting to look like someone else because the reality is that everyone is different and you will never have the same body as someone else. Start embracing everything you used to feel bad about. The beauty industry strives off our insecurities, and only shows so few body types, please don't let this make you hate yourself. Because being you and having confidence is what makes you beautiful, not what some beauty magazine portrays as beautiful. I hope you all have an absolutely amazing day, you deserve it! �xRÈܬ️ PS: excuse the clothing choice, I was feeling cute while trying on bikini bottoms while packing �x ------------------------------------------ . . . #photoshop #lawofattraction #bodypositivity #bodyshape #lifeisgreat #dowhatyoulove #bootybuilding #beautytips #beautyaddict #progressnotperfection #bodyimage #sweatwithkayla #bikinibody #vegansofig #girlswholift #girlswithmuscle #weightlifting #selflove #youarebeautiful #fitnessmotivation #screwthescale #weightlossjourney #beyou #beconfident #selfconfidence #embraceyourself #manifest #flaws #confidence

Une publication partagée par Sara Puhto (@saggysara) le

6 - Savoir cacher ce que l'on ne veut pas montrer

Instagram vs reality �xR� Just wanted to post a silly photo today because that's just the mood I'm in currently �x"� Before I'd never think about posting the photo on the right, but it's what I'm like 90% of the time, somewhere in a corner making weird faces and poses �xܬ I usually get my boyfriend to take tons of photos of me for instagram and always have really odd silly ones that I end up ignoring and not posting �x Also I would've been really insecure about my armpit hair showing and my body not looking 'perfect', but I shouldn't care, it's how I naturally look! I am both of these people and neither is better than the other, just different forms of me. Nobody should be labeled as a Slut or hoe for posting photos similar to the left one, nor should they be labeled as gross for posting photos similar to the right. We're all just people doing our own thing, sometimes we wanna post photos where we feel great about ourselves, but don't forget about the silly "bad" looking ones too cause there isn't anything wrong with them!! They're a part of who you are and you should love it! Hope you all have an absolutely lovely Friday and an amazing start to the weekend! �xRÈܬ️ ------------------------------------------ . . . #lawofattraction #bodypositivity #beforeandafter #lifeisgreat #dowhatyoulove #natural #bodyhair #armpithair #progressnotperfection #bodyimage #bloating #bikinibody #vegansofig #girlswholift #girlswithmuscle #weightlifting #selflove #youarebeautiful #veganfitness #loa #fitnessmotivation #honesty #screwthescale #weightlossjourney #beyou #beconfident #selfconfidence #embraceyourself #manifest #flaws

Une publication partagée par Sara Puhto (@saggysara) le

7 - Prendre ses photos quand on n'a pas ses règles (si vous êtes une femme)

Period bloating �xÈxÈ�xR� If you feel like you're gonna get offended or grossed out by this post then please stop reading now �xÊ On the left is me a month ago not on my period (my periods are irregular) and on the right is me on my period! I'm sucking in my belly as much as I can in both photos, to show that the period bloat doesn't go away, even when you suck in and I found this is the most accurate way to compare the bloat �xܬ For all my people with periods out there, you need to know It's completely normal to bloat before and on your period! You can gain anywhere from 0.2-4.5kg from water retention while on your period so don't even worry about your weight!!! Also other factors like hormones affect weight, so just know that you'll be okay, you're not fat or ugly, you haven't gained fat, it's just your period! I wanted to let you guys know that even though I preach body positivity and loving yourself, I still get days before/on my period, where I think I've gained so much fat, think I'm ugly and feel guilty for eating unhealthy snacks. But please remember that that's just your hormones and body preparing for your period that's making you feel like that. You are still beautiful and amazing!! That weight gain is just water retention or bloating, it'll be gone in a few days and don't feel bad for eating whatever you're craving, cause you're shedding your old uterus lining out your vagina, it's a lot to go through, so you eat those snacks!!!!!! And if anyone tells you, you look gross or are gross for having your period, then just walk away, you don't need that kind of negativity in your life �x"R�xÈ don't even get me started on period cramps, if anyone tells you you're weak for complaining about cramps, smear your blood on them and tell them they're weak for freaking out about a little blood and walk away (jk please don't do that). Just know that period cramps vary from person to person, from no/few cramps to omfg I'm going to die and throw up everywhere from this pain, so don't judge or compare pain. Periods are a tough thing to go through and vary from person to person. Just know that it's perfectly normal and you are a strong and beautiful person!! �xRÈܬ️

Une publication partagée par Sara Puhto (@saggysara) le

8 - Savoir rentrer son ventre

Siting down sucking in vs sitting down and relaxing �ܺ️�xR� I used to be so self conscious about my fat showing while I sat down. I'd always suck it in and wear high waisted jeans while trying to hold that posture when I noticed people were looking at me �x"� but you know what?! Who cares! We all have fat, it's perfectly normal and okay! We need that fat layer on our tummies to protect our vital internal organs. You can still be fit/healthy and have fat! It's an absolutely normal thing that you should not be ashamed of! So next time you sit down and see that protective layer, thank it for saving you from not dying �xܬ But in all seriousness, you don't need a "flat tummy" to be beautiful, you don't need to waste your energy sucking in your tummy! Humans come in all different shapes and sizes and regardless of that you are beautiful. It's your body, do whatever makes you happy and comfortable, if that means wearing high waisted jeans, then wear high waisted jeans! Don't let anyone tell you what you should and shouldn't wear or do to make your body "better". Because you're beautiful and unique the way you are now!! I hope you guys have a lovely Friday and an amazing weekend, I'll be flying on a plane to Finland tonight! �️�xR� Sports bra from: @movebytwenty3

Une publication partagée par Sara Puhto (@saggysara) le

9 - Retenir son souffle

Self care �xRÈxR� If I flex really hard and am in great lighting I have 3/4ths of an ab �xܬ As I've been on holiday, I've been eating everything I've wanted because I visited a new country and found so much delicious new vegan food to try! I didn't want to restrict myself from eating these foods because I don't get these kinds of foods here in South Africa so obviously I had to enjoy it while I could!! I regret nothing, even though I have gained a bit of fat and have been breaking out on my face! But since I'm back in South Africa now I've decided to indulge in a bit of self care to get myself back into a positive and healthy way of living. Today I've already done my eyebrows, put on a face mask and made myself feel all dolled up by putting on a bit of red lipstick �ܺ️ Also I'm gonna get back into my usual workout routine and eating a lot healthier than I used to. This doesn't mean I'm going to fully cut out junk food, I'm just going to eat more intuitively! If you're also going through fat gain and feeling sluggish due to a bit of overeating of junk food, please don't beat yourself up. That's the last thing you need! Just stay positive, keep loving your body, and practice self love so that you can start making your body feel better! Whether that's eating healthier, working out or just throwing on a face mask and taking a bit of me time �ܺ️ you never need to feel bad about fat gain, it's a thing that happens to everyone and is reversible if that's what you want! �ܺ️ Just be patient, keep positive and put in the effort! I hope you all have a lovely Monday and a great start to the week! �xRÈܬ️

Une publication partagée par Sara Puhto (@saggysara) le

10 - Mais malgré toutes ces règles, ne pas oublier de savoir se faire plaisir

Vegan pizza in bed �x'�xR� Exhibit number 73928328 of why my boyfriend is great: surprises me with pizza when he gets home �x"R�xÈ It is so cold in Pretoria today and I wish I could just stay in my reindeer robe and eat pizza in bed but I got an anthropology essay to write �xabut it's okay cause I'll be mentioning the body positive movement on instagram, so I'll have fun with this essay! �xܬ I'll write the workout motivation post soon! I'm just in a bit of a workout pause this weekend because my body needs some rest! And I'd feel weird writing about working out motivation if I'm not working out �x I hope you all have a very lovely weekend and get some well deserved rest! �xRÈܬ️ ------------------------------------------ . . . #lawofattraction #bodypositivity #progressnotperfection #veganpizza #bodyimage #robe #vegancheese #unilife #studying #studentlife #bodyfat #vegan #vegansofig #girlswholift #girlswithmuscle #weightlifting #bbg #selflove #youarebeautiful #veganfitness #pizzalover #govegan #sweatwithkayla #honesty #screwthescale #weightlossjourney #beyou #beconfident #selfconfidence #embraceyourself

Une publication partagée par Sara Puhto (@saggysara) le